Warn children about inappropriate touching!
Warn teens about date rape drugs!
Warn young adults about age of consent!
News about Sex Trafficking and Child Abduction: See
End Human Trafficking on Telegram
Sexualization control freaks get out!
Your progressive actions to control
CHILDREN through
progressive sexual, and sexual identity trauma
is absolutely horrifying!
Sex Trafficking Rings Exist in High Places. See;
Liz exposes pedos
Cathy O'Brien testified to Congress, 1977
Cathy O'Brien at trance-formation.com
Documentary series by one of the greatest stunt men from Hollywood
Documentary series by a Hollywood series
vimeo, bestkeptsecret
For CA folks who are against legalized sex/mind melding in schools: 61 to 16 vote. Click on 'Votes', 'Status'. AB 1955 at
See also;
AB957,Would allow gender industry snakes to take custody away from a parent.
SB107 Allows creation of secret child gender psychological cults.
SB145 Allows many pedophiles to avoid sex offender registration.
SB866 Some say it would have led to the silencing of children who get VD from pedophiles in high places.
Actions to consider; Register/vote as a Republican. Homeschool. Use a truthsocial.com group to start organizing.
A child's sexuality is non of their business. Yet look 'what they do' .. 'They wanna take your place' (as a responsible parent)
-O'Jays -good musicians singing about shady characters
Child Safety:
Even professionals and government officials might be partially or completely out of touch. So they appear to be innocent as a little lamb.
Important Life-Changing Revolutionary Mental Health Help. Dr Amen's Help: