Our Creator delivers your soul, but sometimes your circumstances may not be heavenly.
+Stay ethical. Stay peaceful. Excepting, of course, if you are under physical attack.

Our common social, and biological imperative: Competition for material things.
+The mind can find solutions, and can understand cause-effect relationships in life's occurrences.
+Sometimes a goal is to capitalize or take advantage of situations, such as how humans learned to start a fire from relating sparks to lightening-generated fires.

+There can be situations involving rivalry, or competition. A rival may develop a perceptual concept of you, or your actions, and may find a way to put you in a bad light, instead of discussing differences. A rival will not have your best interests in mind, may not be interested in learning your value or potential value to society. Surely, some people thrive on finding a way to knock someone down for self-agrandizement.

A rival may broadcast a concept of you before you have a chance to reflect and deliberate, painting you or your actions in a bad light. Just because a rival's conceived cause-effect relationship is plausible, doesn't mean that it is true. You need to prepare to defend yourself against perceived claims about your actions. Much examination of your motives and decisions maybe required sometimes, particularly in stressful situations.

+If you are not sure about your own goodness, and want to be good, give yourself the benefit of the doubt.
+Perhaps try to connect to God. Many people find that God effects their lives. There is even a book titled, "How God Changes Your Brain" -with scientific proof!.
+Sometimes, a more knowledgeable and wise person can help you find understanding.
+Sometimes a certain book can be enlightening. Especially one that portraits situations like ones you might find yourself. An example is 'Grapes of Wrath', where people were tricked into thinking they would make a lot of money picking crops.
+Beware that authors may have false perceptions. If you suspect so, may Our Creator help you find truth.
+See ancient religious texts for similarities between now and then, like the books in the Bible.
+Have faith. Understanding is the ultimate goal. Controlling others is not.

Sometimes there is a deliberate willfullness to control others. And immoral actions can pursue.

Again, some people really do try to control others, and lead willing followers against a scapegoat. This can be seen in political behavior all around us: Describing someone who is innocent in a bad light. It's called bullying on playgrounds, but can develop, in adulthood, into scapegoating supposed evil as a facade to gain power and steer large government contracts.. Always question authority! Especially, when they make accusations.
But always be non-violent, except in self-defense.
+Before making accusations, a person should question the another's motives first, rather than making accusations.
+A person should open discussions rather than slamming them closed with labelling and accusations.
+When arguments over property becomes heated, we have laws and courts to determine who is right. +We are best prepared when we create a moral compass. The best seems to come from studying the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. Exodus 20 is online.

Where does moral, or good behavior imperative come from? It's an absolutely individual choice! But even so, there are strong influences from media and from our social connections that may push us upon the boundaries of moral behavior.

There is another important thing to consider: In the struggle to understand and get along, sometimes our minds are not able to calm down and focus. This might be common anxiety. Try relaxational therapies. If they don't work, you may need some brain-healthy foods or nutrients. See the home page of this website for links.
+For more indepth help, see Dr Amen's links here Dr Amen's Brain-function help.
(Note, alcohol and other mind altering substances can make things worse.)

If abuse is involved, use Google or Bing to search 'abuse' followed by the name of your city.

+ avoid media that promotes disharmony among Humans
+ do read or watch material that is positive
+ don't believe accusations are true until you have had time to contemplate both sides of the story.
+ report bullying, anonymously and repeatedly to your school, to police, and to help organizations. Do this until officials begin to watch and monitor the bully. Search 'report bullying' at your school's website. If a form does not exist, write your congresspersons.
+ report teachers and other adult monitors that do not do anything when they witness bullying or stealing. Search 'report teacher' at your school's website. If a form does not exist, write your congresspersons.
+ find a cause-for-good, or wish for good things to happen to acquaintences to establish yourself as a good person.
+ do good deeds, like pushing a shopping cart back to the store on your way in.
+ combat your mind's automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) - see this
+ don't blame someone until you have checked out all possible alternative cause-effect scenarios.
+ beware that a blamer may be blind to someone's intentions. Or, unaware of his or her own transgressions.
+ don't believe anyone that is hurting you in anyway. If someone is hurting you, you should use Google or Bing to search 'abuse' followed by the name of your city.